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Following Up from USES’s Community Meeting

Four story brick building with adjacent courtyard


Dear friends and neighbors,

Thanks to everyone who participated in Monday night’s community meeting, where we shared what has brought USES to this critical turning point of selling one of our properties, 566 Columbus Avenue. After decades of operational deficits, deteriorating facilities, and siloed programming, USES has set forth a plan to ensure that we can continue to serve our community for the next one hundred years. We are proud to have given space for people to express their concerns and questions, and we hope you continue to share your ideas with us.

If you missed it, we streamed the event live on Facebook. You can watch the stream of the full meeting here. We also know that with a decision of this magnitude, a lot of questions have come up. To limit misinformation, please read our comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions.

This process depends on the vital input of our community. Whether you have questions, ideas, comments, or anything else to share – we'd love to keep hearing from you.

You can always send us an email at , or attend one of several Community Conversations we have scheduled over the next few months. Our next conversation is happening on Wednesday, March 27 at both 8:30am and 5:30pm at 48 Rutland Street in the South End. To stay informed, make sure you sign up for our email newsletter.

We have made the presentation from last night's meeting available on our website. You can access that here. For more resources and to learn more about our strategic plan, Vision125, please visit for continuous updates.

Finally, in an effort to reach participants of USES programs past and present, we have created a survey so that we can best communicate with our community. We hope you will take a moment to complete this survey and pass it on to others in your network who have participated in USES programs over the years. We look forward to reconnecting!

Again, thank you all for your passion and support of USES. Without you, the work we do uniting community to strengthen families would not be possible.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Maicharia Z. Weir Lytle
USES President & CEO

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